Paper Doll   by Robert B. Parker, 1993

パーカー20作目.私自身は4冊目.最初に読んだ印象がつよくで,Promised Land のような展開がSpenser流かと思い込んでいました.今回はほとんどアクションらしいところはなく,被害者の過去をゆっくり,じっくりとひも解いていきます.殺人もありません.それでもしっとりとして,かなり楽しめた作品です.

Old Thompson P. D. James World Gym
Brooks Brothers E pluribus unum Camelotian
Cremora Rosetta's carnality
porte cochere bluetick Seth Thomas
Postcoital languor Stepin Fetchit

"Old Thompson?" I said.

"Four Roses," he said. "You got a problem with that?"

"Nostalgia," I said. "When I was a kid it was a Croft Ale and a shot of Old Thompson."

 Old Thompson  Four Roses  Croft Ale

There was also a phone, a lamp with a green glass shade, two manila file folders, and to one side a hardback copy of a novel by P. D. James.


Instead of my World Gym tank top, I wore a brown Harris tweed jacket with a faint maroon line in the weave, a blue Oxford button-down, a maroon knit tie, charcoal slacks, and chocolate suede loafers with charcoal trim.

World Gymのタンクトップの代わりに,




Tripp was wearing a banker's gray Brooks Brothers suit with narrow lapels, and three buttons, and trousers ending at least two inches short of his feet.


"Fine man," Tripp said. "Fine Senator, fine man.

"E pluribus unum," I said.

The Great Seal of the United States became the national emblem in 1782.

A ribbon flying from the beak of the eagle carries the Latin motto 

"E Pluribus Unum,"

 which translates to 

"Out of Many: One."



多から一,多数の統一(one out of many).(米国の国璽こくじの標語)ということで知っていてもよかったかも…

"That Camelotian hindsight is not unusual in grief," Susan said.

"I know," I said. "I've seen some grief myself."

CamelotianはCamelotの形容詞形もとは,「キャメロット:伝説で Arthur 王の宮廷のあった所で一種の理想郷」という意味のようですが,それがアメリカでは転じて,「魅惑的な時代[雰囲気](J.F.Kennedy が大統領の職にあった1961-63年のワシントンを指していう)(ランダムハウス大英和)となったようです.

He put in two tablespoons of sugar and two more of Cremora and stirred it while he was listening to me.


She gave me her hard cop look again, which was surprisingly effective, considering that she looked sort of like Audrey Hepburn. Then she shook her head once, sharply. And her eyes glinted oddly.
"Rosetta's," she said, "in Batesburg."

最初読んだときには,暗黙の了解の固有名詞かと思いましたが,これはSpencerがからかって言った,"Who does your hair?"を受けての返答でした.読んだときにはそこまで頭が回りませんでした.


"Yeah. I had a recent confrontation with a tough Sheriff's detective who gets her hair done at Rosetta's in Batesburg."

"I wish you were going to be dining with me at the track kitchen tomorrow," I said. "A cup of coffee, a plate of grits, some redeye gravy, and thou."

"Assuming I could restrain my carnality,"

「性欲が抑えればね」carnality<carnal ・carnは肉体,carnivorousなどの単語と親戚だとわかれば,なんとなくわかるような…

1. Thou shalt not put syrup on thy Grits
2. Thou shalt not eat thy Grits with a spoon
3. Thou shalt not eat Cream of Wheat and call it Grits for this is blasphemy
4. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors Grits
5. Thou shalt only use Salt, Butter and Cheese as toppings for thy Grits.
6. Thou shalt not eat Instant Grits
7. Thou shalt not put syrup on thy Grits
8. Thou shalt not put syrup on thy Grits.
9. Thou shalt not put syrup on thy Grits.
10. Thou shalt not put sugar on thy Grits either.


『儀式』で、Rolling Rock, a duck, and thou 『真紅の歓び』でも、  "Isn't that supposed to involve a loaf of bread and jug of wine?"  "And thou, sweets, don't forget thou." という表現が出てきます。 ですから、特に grits から来ているのではなく、 「おいしい食べ物とおいしい飲物、そして君がいる」ということだと思います。


The drive was crushed oyster shells, and it curved in a white arc slowly up through the putting green lawn to a porte cochere, supported on gleaming white pillars.


 porte cochere

There were three or four more dogs in here, all hunters, long-eared, black-and-white, or  blueticked, looking somewhat like Pearl the wonder dog.


There was a big old windup Seth Thomas clock on Susan's bureau. It ticked solidly in the quiet.


"Postcoital languor," I said.
"First," Susan said, "you tell me about South Carolina, and then we'll go out and have a nice brunch."

スペンサーは常にスーザンのことを思いをはせ,肉体的なつながりも求めているようです.話の本筋とはあまり関係ないような展開でこれがでるのは読者をひきつけておくためでしょうか.そういえば,後半に台所からソファーへ…といったシーンがあったような.postcoital はpost + cointal. coitalはcoitus「性交」(ラテン語から)という難しい単語.「性交後の脱力感」(?)

Now Henry had a Marketing Director, and a Fitness Director, and a Membership Coordinator, and an Accountant, and a Personal Manager, and the club looked sort of like Zsa Zsa Gabor's hair salon; but Henry still looked like a clenched fist, and he still kept the boxing room where only he and I and Hawk ever worked out.


Until five minutes ago, you were an actual person. Then I started to ask about Cheryl Anne Rankin, and you turned into Stepin Fetchit. Your accent even got thicker."


Stepin Fetchitは最初の黒人映画スターのようです.典型的な黒人役(白人からみた)であたり,黒人からは反発されたようです.この場面でも,「おどおどして,物言わぬ黒人」といったイメージを伝えているのでしょう.
